Day 15: Silver linings And no, the title does not refer to my emerging roots. Yet. Rather, I fear I may have given the impression that in my opinion things aren’t necessarily all sunshine and roses, so I thought I’d try and find a few good things to say about our current situation. This item will for obvious reasons be a great deal shorter than recently but as I am running out of things to talk about it’s probably for the best. Can you even recall the last time anyone mentioned Brexit? Despite the problems of the Corona it’s not all bad. If you’ve long despaired about people swanning in and out of public loos without washing their hands, then despair no more. We have had it rammed down our throats for so long now that we have to get our hands nice and clean or be thrown out of society like a modern day leper that finally Joe public has actually taken on board the fact that personal hygiene is a necessity! Eurovision has been cancelled. This programme is never as hilari...