Day 12: Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow...

Have you found that you’re losing track of days? 
Back in the days of yore, before the corona, I spent a great deal of my time volunteering in a hospital and a variety of other activities that basically kept me off the streets and out of trouble. However, that has now all been curtailed for the moment. It gave me some shape to my week and helped me avoid housework - more of that next week - but now every morning I wake up and I have no idea where I am or what day it is. The former has always happened since I hit about 60 I think, but the latter is new and it’s all down to the corona.
Do you remember the good old times when we had a quaint tradition of splitting time into seven different days rather than one long socially distanced, self-isolated, locked down unchanging present? The days of the week were individually named and distinct from one another and what happened to weekends? Expressions like ’thank God it’s Friday’ and ‘that Monday morning feeling’. Now Friday and Monday are the same as every other day. Long and boring! What’s going to happen tomorrow which I believe is Sunday ‘the day of rest’ but I’ve been doing that all week! Do I do it twice as hard tomorrow if on the off chance I remember which day it is.
The weather today has become considerably colder so perhaps you have foregone your usual walk in which case I have some suggestions for some indoor exercises.

Watch a fitness video
My yoga teacher has sent me a link to watch yoga and I find you can burn calories quite easily and tone up whilst sitting down. I’m hoping that is what she meant me to do? Of course, it doesn’t have to be yoga any form of fitness video will do – a spin class video perhaps may burn more calories I would have thought.
Make a cup of tea
This simple exercise will stretch your legs slightly as you make your way from the sofa to the kitchen and you’ll work at least two muscles while squeezing the teabag.
Grab a snack
By now you’ve probably worked up an appetite so refuel by eating a snack of your choice – digesting food burns calories I’m told.
Go to sleep 
Rest is as important as exercise when it comes to staying fit and healthy. If you aren’t tired have a few drinks to will yourself into unconsciousness it’s a great way to fast forwards time until this is all over.

The good news of course is that the clocks go forward tonight so when you wake up tomorrow whatever day THAT is you can relax knowing that we have gained one hour to deduct from an indeterminate time span of incarceration.


  1. Regarding your concern about the days blurring into one uneventful week it has occurred to me that along with Silver Surfer's idea of "hibernation" would be if tonight we all put the clocks forward - about 3 months.
    In trying to keep myself occupied I have been cleaning the patio all week - I could now eat off it if I had any food. I finally finished at lunchtime today and went indoors with a raging thirst. I was thrilled to find a can of Cornish Doom Bar beer left in the fridge by son on his last visit. I was just taking a huge slug when my mobile phone rang. A voice at the other end said "hello, this is Tim the gardener - is this an inconvenient time? When I looked up, with beer grasped in other hand, he was outside the patio door staring in at me with an old fashioned look. I wouldn't be able to leave the house newly acquired drink problem. I suppose that means next
    week I will have to clean the windows.
    PS: Using up stuff you have had lurking in the cupboard can have its problems. A friend here has been in bed all week. She found that Oolong Ginseng tea can be good for you but when drunk by the mugfull it is akin to paint stripper on your innards.

  2. Hello Sue it’s your yoga teacher newsletter was maybe not clear enough...possibly try rolling out your mat whilst watching the video?!! Then on day 2 try stretching at very least a toe, day 3 two know where this is going. Pace yourself and if we are still here by then we will have you up in a one armed handstand by the end of the summer :-D

    Fab blog as always. I look forward to it every day ��xxxxx


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