Day 50: Big Brother is watching
I don’t know about you but I find that I can no longer watch the gloom
of the BBC 6pm news and the Corona daily bulletin preceding it. For weeks it
has been a catalogue of unremitting bad news. No wonder the country is in the
grip of hysteria. The national news is followed by the local news with even
more Corona gloom and despondence, albeit right on my doorstep. Very
However, after yesterday’s briefing by Matt Hancock I believe there
appears to be a light at the end of the tunnel. Well a glimmer possibly. I must
say I am intrigued by his continuous use of the ‘pink tie’ - is he trying to
set a trend or am I missing some important symbolism here? I would also like to
know why Matt’s hair and that of Michael Gove are so well quiffed? Are their
wives hairdressers or have they got a clandestine arrangement with Nikki
Clarke? Trump clearly hasn’t as his roots get worse each day and Boris’ hair
looks a bit like someone who’s holding a Van de Graaff machine!
But I digress….back to the glimmer of hope. The NHS have come up with a
virus tracker that we are going to be advised to download to our smart phones.
This is of course assuming that you have a smart phone and know how to use it
if you’re over 70. Then again maybe that’s the reason we are being given these
horrendous rumours about the over 70s being locked up indefinitely and not
being allowed to roam the streets. No need for a tracker for us!!
However as usual we have invented our own totally unique tracker so much
so that it isn’t compatible with any others in the world - why oh why do we
always have to be so different to everyone else? We have rejected the technology
on offer by the actual tech companies like Google and Facebook and invented our
own no doubt far more complicated version. Which means while we may be able to
leave our homes, we will be confined to the British Isles as we can’t be
‘tracked’. There go the summer holiday plans we’ve all been dreaming of. Unless
of course you class the Isle of Wight and the Isle of Man as being island
getaways. They never have before and I certainly can’t see it happening now. Although I must check if they work in the
British overseas territories? Turks and Caicos here I come!
The Isle of Wight of course is the place where the first trials are
taking place. Now I definitely don’t want to throw a dampener on proceedings
but my neighbour hails from “the island” and she assures me that there would be
no point in tracking and tracing anyone there as everyone is related to
everyone, they all know each other’s business and that a combination of gossip,
WhatsApp and CCTV could probably do the job just as well.
Although Matt Hancock did manage to extinguish the glimmer by concluding,
as ever, that everyone must ‘stay at home’. I have been reading about all the
privacy issues and am really quite concerned by what the Government plans to do
with all the data tracking my movements around the house. What if they see how
often I walk past my dirty windows without stopping? Will they cancel my roaming
Who knew when you started this adventure that 50(!) days later, you’d have logged 34 posts and nearly 2,700 views (from 6 countries)....
ReplyDeleteNot bad for an oldie �� so proud of you, thankyou for making me laugh and on your behalf thanks to everyone tuning in to your bonkers ramblings xxxx
DeleteTypo. I meant sage, witty and inspiring. Obvs ;-)