Day 25: Happy Easter

As it’s Easter this weekend I was considering taking a mini break but have nowhere to go and no means of getting there so it has been suggested to me that to get away from it all it may be an idea to quarter my garden, develop a different theme for each area and then roll a dice to select the 'mini break quadrant' 

Ordinarily I’d think this was completely mad, but you know what, I’ve already started planning it. In fact even though I can say hand on heart that I have never and will never go camping this is the one time when nobody will see me and I won’t see anybody so nobody is going to care what I look like least of all me!! I am therefore going to join in with a national campaign to ‘camp out’ at home – well in the garden. Campers up and down the country will be supposedly keeping their spirits up (mine will be wine of course) – and raising money for the NHS we’ll see how it goes.

It’s also my birthday on Sunday, not the first on Easter Day but certainly the first in a pandemic so will see what it brings. I don’t think cards or presents have been on any of my family or friend’s minds and I certainly don’t expect it to be but the husband clearly thought it may be advisable to remind my son of my forthcoming ‘special day’ as he had forgotten Mothering Sunday. I know this purely because I received the following text from him last night. Unless you know my son, you would probably think this is made isn't unfortunately!

Dad just said your Mother's Day card never arrived?! I'm so sorry! I didn't pick up an envelope when I got the card so I wrapped it in parcel paper, might that be why?? Also, the thing was that it was a birthday card I picked up by mistake! I saw Mother in massive letters and picked it up. It was only when I read the inside that I realised it said happy birthday - so I crossed it out!

I replied
The story is better than any card I promise. The thought was there xx

Can’t wait to see IF I get a card, who it’s for and how it’s wrapped. Extreme times, necessitate  extreme measures!!

Happy Easter everyone – back on Monday!!


  1. Sue as always you have made me laugh so much! My sons are exactly like this. Am looking forward to the next episode which I’m sure will feature your camping weekend. What a birthday treat for you!! Xx

  2. I can’t believe my comment got published! Yaaaaay!!!! There will be no stopping me now. Happy Easter Sue and a big big Happy Birthday to you!!! We will have cake after the first yoga class back..whenever it is!!! Xxxx

  3. My card's in the post. In a proper envelope with a stamp and everything. Handwritten and posted this time so trust you'll thoroughly disinfect before opening. Love you xxxx


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