Glossary of terms
It feels that a whole new
lexicon is emerging as fast as this virus is spreading. I have taken the
liberty of providing a dictionary to help decipher the latest lingo. Do use
comments to add your own or ask for clarification of new terminology – I will
keep updating!
spirit Uncommon
state thought to be in terminal decline but showing signs of a resurgence.
spread Not
a locally sourced and produced preserve, but something rather more unsanitary
which means, unlike Ramsay St, good neighbours are no longer good friends.
settings One
of the top examples of places where ‘people gather and have contact with each
other’ is commonly ‘jail’. If congregate settings are being outlawed I dread to
think what this means for the judicial system. Last time we had to free this
many prisoners we sent them in boats to Australia...
we got into this bloody mess.
flattening the Government-speak to imply they are controlling the
situation rather than careering around corners like the Duke of Edinburgh in
charge of a Formula 1 car.
update Imitation
being the sincerest form of flattery, am encouraged by the Prime Minister following
my lead. I leave it to you to decide which daily update you prefer. Do click ‘subscribe’
to be notified by email of my new posts (checkmate, Boris).
Home, working from A previous loophole used by office
workers to secure a quasi-day off who have now had their bluff called and are
having to actually work. From home.
consequence of being told to stay indoors, while the Government orders the
closure of gyms and leisure centres while keeping takeaways open.
we used to put our dog when travelling abroad. Now where we put everyone (without
the foreign travel).
Self-isolation Contradiction in terms which makes
home imprisonment sound like a choice when actually the government will shortly
be calling in the army to enforce it.
Social distancing I thought I invented this concept with my attitude to my Children making suitable new friends at school but apparently has now been commandeered to mean maintaining a 2m distance from every other person in the world (see Laugh, having a).
Social distancing I thought I invented this concept with my attitude to my Children making suitable new friends at school but apparently has now been commandeered to mean maintaining a 2m distance from every other person in the world (see Laugh, having a).
Teleworking Daughter told me she was now doing
this and I was aghast before she explained that didn’t in fact mean she had
turned to manning a sex hotline, but rather was ‘remote working’ (see also ‘Home,
working from).
Person Moi?
For anyone who has not heard this little ditty, that is particularly suitable for a Sunday in these alternative tImes, I recommend listening to Richard Stilgoe's "Mrs Beamish". Beautiful, sunny day here in Cornwall, hope it is the same for everyone else.