Day 5: Out of the mouths of babes

Before the lockdown moves from advisory to martial law, I took the opportunity this week to visit my 7 year old twin god daughters as it could be the last time I see them before they go to university. They seemed quite well apart from an annoying cough and being a little warm but I put that down to the central heating. It was however an opportunity to talk to somebody sane and normal and chat about ordinary things and not the Corona. They are very polite girls and were curious about my necklace. The conversation went as follows:

-That’s nice what is made of?


-Is that bit gold?


-Is that bit gold?


-Is it all gold?


-Can I have it when you die?

I didn’t stay long.


  1. Love the blog. Just a quick question. Are veterinary thermometers the same as human ones? Asking for a friend

    1. Thank you for your question
      Unfortunately I trained as a nurse and not a scientist. The important thing to remember is that one goes in your mouth and the other to put it politely does not. Be careful.

  2. Very proud of you for doing this mama. Quick q... should I be worried about my inheritance? There are now exigent reasons for me not visiting you know... xxx

    1. Yes you should unless you pop in tomorrow against all governmental and medical advice..then I'd put you back in the will

  3. Question about inheritance has made me realise that perhaps last week, when son was visiting, was not best of times to sign my Lasting Power of Attorney. I wonder if I will get a signal from a tent on Bodmin Moor?


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